Friday, June 14, 2013

Unit 9: People Make Mistakes

In the world, people will always make mistakes on any products, their behaviors, and anything happens. There is no "perfect". We will learn from our mistakes. For the software on the computer, any softwares guarantees have some errors that the developer design the system. If the developer want to have no mistake/error in the system, it needs to be checked three or five times through the system. But, they will never fully succeed.

When the user is stressed and needs to check something on the Internet, he or she will not follow the steps to find the information he or she is searching. The person will likely make mistakes when ordering an item. He or she needs to relax for a moment and check the Internet then the process will be fine. For example, I was stressed with lots of homework and projects that were due a few days later. I feel the need to hurry and finish these projects. When it dues, I will sit down in the classroom and think something funny. I realized I forget one thing at home. That's why when stressed I will forgot things easily.

People of different generations have different error strategies. Some elders follow their old traditions and have not have tried the new modern technology. They  feel behind with the new technology and they will make some errors. They will feel frustrated if they do not know new technology. For example, the woman in her sixties, had an old cellphone, she was not fully aware about new mobile phone. She will struggle with a new phone. She will make some mistakes before she feels comfortable using the new phone. 

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