Monday, June 10, 2013

Unit 7: People are Social Animals

One of the chapters seemed bit scary stating the high percent age of lies through email, paper and pen, instant message, telephone, and face-to-face meetings. Some people never assume other people may lie in email or paper and pen. They might think they are being honest. It is more than 92 percent of group tell the lie through the email.

It's true because sometimes people can be fooled after reading the email or paper. The writing can't tell the reader if it is absolutely a lie or not.

Another chapter talked about speakers' brain and listeners' brain sync up during communication. When the speaker speaks in front of an audience, he notices some of listeners talking with other listeners. It might does not mean they are ignoring the speaker. They are synced in their brain at the same time with talking with other listeners.

Jonah Lehrer (2010) explained the difference between Facebook and Twitter. Facebook is considered as your best friends because you check in it often everyday. Twitter is here to help you to connect with different people that you may never met before.

Laughing is the best social bonding with other people. It is easy to bond with others in different locations. For example, I joined with my close friend and her new crowd in the cafeteria. I happened to signed something funny, they were absolutely laughing so hard. They thought I was very hilarious and they liked my sense of humor. They wanted to see more of my sense of humor.

Dunbar’s number: Robin Dunbar studied different species of animals. He figured out if there was a relationship between brain size and the number of stable relationships in social groups. He used the formula for calculating the limit for different groups.

 Mirror Neurons:

Synchronous activity: It is action you take together with others where everyone is doing the same thing at the same time such as dancing, tai chi, yoga, singing, and chanting in time as a group.

Duchenne smile: Identified two different types of smiles.

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