Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Project 3 Preliminary Proposal

View project statement: Baskin-Ribbons Ice Cream Statement


Week 8: Make the proposal for Project 3

Week 9: Concept and Art Direction

Week 10: Prelim Critics

Week 11: Final Critics

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Thesis Ideas

1. Tattoo are parts of cultures, traditional or their purpose. 2. Fitness to show the easy ways to exercise. 3. Comic book, may get the apps for it. I don't sure if they will fit my thesis and project

Project 2 Refined Proposal

View project statement: Borracchini’s Bakery Statement


Week 3: Make the proposal for Project 2

Week 4: Researching

Week 5: Sketching and feedback

Week 6: Art direction to improve design

Week 7: Prelim Critics

Week 8: Final Critics

Unit 5 How People Focus Their Attention

Sometimes people like to pay attention on a few items of information at a time because they don't have time to read all the information.
The few details in the information may not be enough for people to understand. More or less information that is needed may depend on the subject matter.
People really cannot do multitasking because they only can control/focus on one task at a time, two or more tasks is difficult to do a good job. For example, an interpreter can only listen and interpret to me at the same time. But, an interpreter cannot voice what I sign at the same time the instructor is talking.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Unit 4: How People Think

The first page (homepage) has basic information rather than a full description that would overwhelm some people. The next page has a bit more information. A website should minimize the number of times people need to click to get detailed information. On the other hand, one of the websites has fewer loads meaning that people don't have to think or remember more than ten pages.
If you just read a sentence more than three times, your mind begins to wander.   People's minds that wander are not the same as daydreaming such as stray thoughts, fantasies, or stories you imagine. This sometimes happens to me when I am reading a book that I enjoy. I just start daydreaming. I didn't realize that I was still reading the book. I try again to focus on the book. Daydreaming while you are driving is dangerous because you are unaware of what is happening in your surroundings.  

"When you're stuck, go to sleep"
When you are struggling with your project or homework for a long time, take a nap or go to bed. Your mind will be refreshed and then finish your project or homework. People thought that they needed to stay up late, but your mind will be worse because of all the day activities the mind has done. The mind needs a rest for a few hours while you sleep.

Goal-gradient effect - people are more motivated to complete a task the closer they get to the end goal.

Operant conditioning – If you want a certain behavior or reaction, then reward it when it occurs. The reward can be continuous or random.

Dopamine- created in various parts of the brain and is critical in all sorts of brain function: including moving, thinking, sleeping and motivation.